The count of monte cristo novel by alexandre dumas
The count of monte cristo novel by alexandre dumas

The whole story starts from the jealousy and envy as the group of people, who take Dantes as a very inconvenient person, wants to get rid of him. They knew that if some person created a problem or introduced some challenges, the slender and intrigues could help to get rid of him and enjoy the results of these actions.īeing part of this society, Dumas makes a good point while describing it. The fact is that intrigues and slander were the integral parts of the state machine and, as a result, had a great impact on the way of living and mentality of the French people. However, even being an outstanding and honest young man, Dantes is not able to fight against the system and its spoiled morals. From the first lines of the novel, a reader understands that Dantes is different from the rest of the people who surround him and is even opposed to them. That is why speaking about Dantes Dumas states that “his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger” (Dumas 1). However, revolving around the life of one person, Dumas novel denies this convention, showing a reader that life is not predetermined and it is up to a person to choose the way in which to live it. That is why, people became sure that a person is not able to resist fate and everyone should follow the traditional pattern, performing activities prescribed to him/her. The French society remembered Napoleons example, who managed to achieve great success, plunging France into war and failed. Thus, choosing a young man as the main character of the novel, Dumas tries to show the way in which the life of a young person might change and the possibility of an individual to resist society. In terms of the given epoch, this visit could be appreciated as a very dangerous trip that could have a great impact on the whole life of a person. However, the signs of threat could be seen even at the beginning of the story as Dantes is asked to visit the Island of Elba and take a message. Dantes has a fiancee and the possibility to become the captain of the Pharaon, which could guarantee him a happy life. He has good perspectives because of his skills and experience. The beginning of the story presents a reader Dantes as “a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven’s wing” (Dumas 1). The given atmosphere is reflected in the novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Speaking about the noble privileged class, it is possible to say that situation was also complicated as such values as nobility and honesty were replaced by greed or gain and guile. Being not sure of the future of the country, people tried to survive in various ways.

the count of monte cristo novel by alexandre dumas

The French Revolution had a great impact on all spheres of social life in the country and introduced a great number of changes (Markham para. Having passed through the period of revolution and Napoleonic Wars, connected with the radical changes in the structure of society and shifts in the mentality of people, society entered the new era characterized by the lowering of the role of France and the atmosphere of suspiciousness and intrigues. The French society of the first half of the 19th century could be characterized by great atomism and confusion (Barron 3). The main characters of the novel The Count of Monte Cristo help to portray the peculiarities and importance of moral and wealth in French society of that period of time. Being a common person, Dantes passes through a great number of unusual hardships that helps a reader to understand the atmosphere of the epoch. In the given artwork the author tries to embody all diseases and peculiarities of society and people who lived at that period of time (Francois para. Dumas’ novel The Count of Monte Cristo could also be taken as the reflection of peoples characters, beliefs, and feelings. There is no use denying the fact that literature helps to reflect the main aspects of society peculiar to a certain epoch for people to be able to look at them and analyze.

The count of monte cristo novel by alexandre dumas